

Charting a course for continued excellence.

澳门足彩app, New York embarks on a transformative journey with "Living Our 任务: the Next Century,“一个充满活力的三年战略计划,定义了我们机构的使命,并设定了雄心勃勃的目标,以指导增长和发展.






  • Promote our unique mission and established history, along with our new University designation to increase visibility and strength in local, 国内和国际市场.
  • 结合资源和策略,最大限度地发挥大学的多校区模式和教学模式,以提高学生的体验,支持大学的招生和保留目标.
  • 保持我们的负担能力,使澳门皇冠app education attainable to students of all economic backgrounds.
  • 支持继续发展一个包容的环境,重视和丰富澳门皇冠app and those seeking to become part of our community.
  • 强调体验式学习和专业发展机会,推广成果和学生的成功故事.
  • Cultivate existing partnerships and develop new ones to support opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students.

Barbare Sturua ' 26

"I feel lucky to be part of this community because it’s diverse, vibrant, friendly and creative."





  • Deliberately seek out new programs and revitalize existing programs that are in demand, 与我们的使命一致, and compatible with our faculty expertise and resources.
  • Foster excellence in faculty scholarship and teaching while promoting ways to enhance
  • student 订婚 and bring expertise into and beyond the classroom.
  • Seek out new and diverse student populations, including international and graduate populations, to serve and expand our reach by seeking to eliminate obstacles to reaching underserved populations.
  • Explore and celebrate the academic implications and opportunities of our new designation change to university status.
  • 保持活力, on-campus academic life on both campuses, while also strategically embracing the opportunities of
  • 新教学模式.
  • 通过突出和增加影响社会的学术活动,提高我们作为首要学习中心在社会上的地位.

温迪C. 鲟鳇鱼,Ph值. D.温迪C. 鲟鳇鱼,Ph值. D.

“作为一名教员, I appreciate the commitment to continuing our rich liberal arts tradition and the support for faculty growth. A strong and vibrant faculty can best serve our students in achieving their academic and professional goals."



提供以学生为中心, transformational experience that prepares all students for meaningful and successful lives.


  • 创建综合学术, 体验式学习和课外体验,增加学生的参与度,培养所有学生的归属感.
  • Establish and enhance programs and initiatives that improve student success, 包括访问, 保留, 订婚, 持久性, 和完成.
  • 培养参与性和包容性的项目,丰富学生的经历,促进自豪感和与大学的联系.
  • 通过创造机会和实施最佳实践,将职业探索和专业发展建议整合到学生的整个生命周期中,以确保研究生的成功.
  • 通过协作和综合的整体方法,优先考虑学生的心理健康和福祉,促进校园关怀文化.
  • 充分利用SJNY的合作伙伴关系,为跨部门合作提供机会,增强和支持学生的体验.


“在来圣. 约瑟夫家,我是个很害羞的人. 我没有太多的信心. St. Joseph’s has helped me develop those skills and qualities. I’m now comfortable presenting and am more confident in my work."



Enhance public awareness, understanding and visibility of the University.


  • Highlight the new University designation — as well as its history, 值, mission and uniqueness guided by the founding vision of the Sisters of St. 约瑟夫——通过创意营销, 全面的 communications and other strategic efforts, 把重点放在提高其声誉作为教学和学习的首要中心,为社区服务.
  • 利用大学社区的投入来帮助建立持续的战略营销重点,以宣传和促进机构排名以及学术, student and other institutional programs.
  • Promote the University’s ongoing commitment to Diversity, 公平和包容的社区,它通过培养持续的意识和理解DEI通过周到的, 有意的, 积极参与的外联和对话.
  • 建立一个全面的沟通计划,以加强和促进成功的校友、社区和政府与主要目标受众的伙伴关系.
  • 通过加强与内部和外部的沟通,展示大学对学生毕业前和毕业后的成绩和成功率的整体承诺.
  • Emphasize our growing number of undergraduate, graduate and dual degree programs and the variety of modalities they are
  • 提供, 包括在线, through increased targeted marketing efforts, 拓展和扩展到我们的区域, 国内和国际市场.

Benjamin Laudone, 25岁

“感谢圣。. Joseph’s, I’ve taken a tremendous leap in life in terms of my overall growth. I feel a sense of belonging I’ve never felt before, and there have been a lot of question marks that have been and continue to be fulfilled and answered here. 没有圣. Joseph’s, I would’ve never seen my full potential as a student."



Identify and obtain the necessary resources (Financial, Human and Physical) to support the mission and goals of the University.


  • Continue the strong financial position of the University by developing a strategic multi-year plan (three-year). 进行趋势分析,以评估该机构的预期财务能力,并对竞争院校的学费进行比较分析,以了解圣约瑟夫与同行的关系,并在不断变化的学生经济需求下保持竞争力.
  • 通过校园范围内的倡议,创造更多的机会来创造收入和增加财务实力,着眼于持续租赁物质资源,并为所有潜在的未来学生扩大机会.
  • 与上海纽约大学社区一起参与可持续发展的机会,这将有助于降低大学的成本和校园的公用事业消耗,并继续改善校园的美化和维护.
  • 创造性地招募, 雇佣, onboard and retain employees through initiatives, 工具, 教育的使命, 以及相关的利益, 全面的, 奖励卓越, and address the regional cost of living and the ever-changing work landscape, while working to further enhance human resources for employees through communication, 功能及服务.
  • Further engage alumni nationally and internationally as well as future alumni, 通过提供项目和机会来促进学生和校友之间的联系,并与SJNY建立丰富的终身关系.
  • 通过利用与教师部门和校园办公室的合作伙伴关系来增加慈善收入(礼品和赠款),以支持本科生和研究生奖学金以及大学的最高优先事项,增加慈善支持, while beginning exploration and preliminary planning for the University’s next capital campaign.


"The (Student Center) is a place of community. 这是一个聚会的地方. 当你想到澳门皇冠app, you think of the community. 这就是我们的特别之处. 这就是我们的不同之处. (现在, 我们有一个这样的地方, 我们可以在哪里建立社区, build on that spirit (and) continue to grow what we are, which is a really special place of really special people."





  • 促进使用支持高影响力学习实践的创新技术工具,并提供技术基础设施,以促进不断变化的教学需求, learning and student success and support.
  • Promote digital literacy skills to empower the University community and prepare our students for their future.
  • 培养一种支持无障碍和大学努力探索和实施包容性数字环境的文化, 可访问的, 对所有人来说都是革命性的.
  • Cultivate a culture of cybersecurity throughout the University by leveraging people, 流程, and technology in an effort to manage risk and share the responsibility of protecting our data, 系统和基础设施.
  • 促进使用数字技术,以最大限度地提高入学率,并与邻近社区和相关兴趣群体建立有意义的联系.
  • Continue to adapt to the changing needs of the University to ensure continuous improvement, increased use and awareness of technology 工具, and to reduce work effort where possible by increasing efficiency and effectiveness.

Brendan Fullam, 08届,MBA 22届
B.S. 组织管理和工商管理硕士学位

"St. Joseph's University's online program is easy to use, allows for meaningful interaction and 订婚 during courses, and has allowed me to fit school into an already-busy schedule. The online degree program allowed me to gain the necessary management skills I need to further expand my career."